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Morocco Entry Visa requirements

  • Post category:Morocco Travel
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Demystifying Morocco Entry Visa Requirements: Your Practical Guide

If you hold a full passport from the UK, Ireland, the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Russia, China, or any EU country, you don’t need a Visa to enter Morocco as a tourist for up to 90 days. In principle, and especially if you have an onward or return ticket, your passport need only be valid for the duration of your stay, but it’s just possible that border officials at obscure crossings may think it needs to be valid for six months beyond your date of entry (which was formerly the rule), and it’s always double checking your visa requirements before departure, as the situation can change.

South African citizens are among those who need a visa; applications should be made to the Moroccan embassy or consulate in your country of residence (South African citizens should be able to get one in London), with three passport photos, and a form that you can download from the websites of some Moroccan consulate. (For example, London’s at

Entry formalities are fairly straightforward, though you will have to fill in a form stating personal details, the purpose of the visit, and your profession. In the past, Moroccan authorities have shown an occasional reluctance to allow in those who categorize themselves as “journalist”; an alternative profession on the form might be wise.